Don’t miss the gray whales as they blow, breach, and fluke their way from their breeding and birthing grounds near Baja, Mexico, to the feeding areas of the Bering and Chukchi seas off Alaska during Whale Week. This year’s watch week is just in time for Oregon’s spring break, taking place March 23-31.

Armed with binoculars, a warm coat, and a little bit of patience, you can watch the whales from any high point with a clear view of the Pacific. But if you’d like to learn a little about the 18,000 gray whales as they make their journey, try watching the whales during the spring Whale Watch Week. During that week, trained volunteers are stationed at 17 viewpoints along the Oregon Coast from 10 a.m.‒1 p.m. daily. These expert whale watchers can help visitors spot whales and provide information about these charming animals.
“Spring is a great time for whale watching because the gray whales are usually closer to shore on their return trip, typically around a mile or so out, and the weather is a little warmer for visitors,” said Park Ranger Peter McBride.

For a map of viewpoints or more information, visit the Oregon Whale Watching website or call the Depoe Bay Whale Watching Center (541-765-3304).
The Whale Watching Center in Depoe Bay will be open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday. Visitors to the center can enjoy interactive whale exhibits and take in the panoramic ocean views.
All Whale Watch Week visitors are encouraged to dress for the weather, to bring binoculars and to follow beach safety guidelines such as remaining out of fenced areas, knowing the tide schedule and keeping an eye on the surf at all times. Go to for a list of safety tips.

You can also read more about gray whales and their migrations in the Oregon Coast magazine story, The Long Haul.